CITES places Total Ban on the Sale of All Pangolins … at Last

CITES places Total Ban on the Sale of All Pangolins … at Last

Pangolins, those endearing scaly anteaters, are the world’s most trafficked animals. They are widely sought in China and Vietnam for their meat as an ingredient in exotic dishes and for their scales in traditional medicine. If the illegal trafficking is allowed to continue in them, these harmless creatures are bound…

Pangolins are Rescued at a Road Block

Pangolins are Rescued at a Road Block

Pangolins are gentle creatures encased in armor from head to toe, yet their scaly hides can ill afford to protect them from their greatest enemy: humans. Poaching has driven these flamboyant insectivores to the brink of extinction in Malaysia’s forests, but their endangered status has not stopped unscrupulous traffickers from…