Harsher Penalties for Open Burning

Harsher Penalties for Open Burning

And here it comes – trans-boundary haze from Indonesia, that is. Every summer, regular as clockwork, forest and peat fires set in Indonesia for clearing land waft over the border with Malaysia to cover much of the countHry in noxious fumes for days and weeks at a time. The haze…

Malaysian can Breathe Easier this year with less expected Haze

Malaysian can Breathe Easier this year with less expected Haze

Malaysian will be able to breathe easy this year – literally so. The country will experience a less severe case of the annual transboundary haze that has been a periodic blight on air quality across much of Malaysia. That’s because Indonesia, where the haze originates, is making sure to rein…

Air pollution Debilitates and Kills

Air pollution Debilitates and Kills

It’s not as if we needed any more confirmation that air pollution is bad for us, but here comes another one anyhow: it increases the risk of strokes. Based on a comprehensive global survey whose findings have been published in the medical journal The Lancet Neurology, unclean air has become…

The Government vows to Get Tough on slash-and-burn Cultivators

The Government vows to Get Tough on slash-and-burn Cultivators

Slash-and-burn forest clearing can deal incalculable damage to local ecosystems, yet forest fires, large and small, continue to be set around much of Malaysia largely in order to clear woods for agricultural plots and palm oil plantations. To date the government has largely been fighting a rearguard action against the practice…